Waterford Public Schools' Teacher Leadership Academy
The Waterford Public Schools’ Leadership Academy is a year-long learning experience that includes targeted professional learning on effective leadership and completion of a leadership project in the district. Professional development sessions will focus on all facets of effective leadership, attendance at select conferences, potential shadowing opportunities, and development of a personal growth action plan. The program is designed to develop a cadre of educators committed to developing their leadership skills, expanding their leadership knowledge base, and taking an active role in school improvement and student success.
Participants will gain an enhanced understanding and ability to apply professional practice, concepts, and values in learning and leadership. Session topics will include:
- Mission and Vision
- Culture Leadership
- People Leadership
- Instructional Leadership
- Organizational Management
Academy Beliefs:
- Every child is entitled to a high quality education.
- Teachers and leaders impact every child's achievement.
- Collaboration improves student learning.
- Building leadership capacity at all levels sustains our mission.
Academy Mission:
The mission of the Waterford Public Schools' Leadership Academy is to build and develop leadership capacity throughout the district through collaboration, professional development, and support, in order to increase and sustain student achievement.
Program Materials:
Leadership Academy Brochure 2022-23